Friday, November 20, 2009

The Story Behind The Patchwork Persuasion Afghan

Photo From LionBrand site.

Sandy, one of my readers wanted to know about the history and story behind the PP (Patchwork Persuasion) afghan. So here it is, since I was a bit lacking or vague about it originally.I stated that I was not happy with the results and that I was not going to continue to make the squares as the original pattern (above) required. Instead I would complete it in my own manner. Why? Because I was not happy with the way the pattern was written.

Before I go into why I was not happy with the project let me tell you about it's history. I was tired of small projects and using all of my sisters yarn up, since I had not brought any with me due to luggage space. So, I looked for something I could use scraps with and planned on leaving the project there so I could work on it each time I came. When finished I would give it to someone who lived in California. I guess sis thought, I just did not want to take it home due to not having room to pack it and so said we could ship it, that she did not have room to store it. She of course was being generous and I had not told her of my plan. Of course she never made me feel bad about using her yarn. She was always more than generous with all that she provided me with. It was my own conscience that made me feel that way. And she did not know my plans at all so her sending it home to me was also an act of kindness to her knowledge.

As I worked on it and assembled a few square I began to lose interest it due to some of points below. And I really did not want to give it to anyone because I felt it was inferior workmanship, and therefore did not press the issue of shipping it. So, it was started in California and shipped to Michigan after I left to be completed at home.

Once here I still not like it and didn't want to finish it. My mind won't let me frog easily and this already had 40 squares done. All that time, yarn, work and ends tied in would be wasted if I did not complete it so I pushed myself to get it done. Coming up with a plan to do it my way without making more squares which I was unhappy with anyway.

Here are some of the problems, that for me, resulted from this pattern. I will give you the list then go over each point with an explanation.

Square, not square

Once the square was completed it seemed to be too pointed in the center.

First row curled

In the middle of the first row there should of been added stitches to create a flat corner. There was not and so the first row seemed to curl under at the corner creating a small hump in each square.

No finishing round on square once completed

I like my squares to have a nice finishing edge to them and a proper count so they go together easily. These edges were like working with raw cut edges of fabric and it felt unfinished to me.

No instructions for assembly

The instructions gave no clue as to methods for assembling each small square into a larger square and had all these carried yarn threads on the edges.

Assembly looked messy

I ended up just using whip stitching which showed through to the other side and of course you could not match color due to all the color changes.

Assembly buckled and did not lay flat

Of course this was due to the lack of extra stitches in the first row. It made the square hump and buckle when all were joined.

This is not a project I would recommend to anyone. But since it was given to someone I know personally and visits regularly I do get to see it often. It is used each night and now lays quite flat but I am still not real proud of it. I am glad that Chris loves it, uses it, and is kept warm by it.

So, there you have it! The sad, sad story of the Patchwork Persuasion Afghan disaster.

That's it today. Ghost, OUT!

3 comments: said...

Well sis, had I known your plans I certainly would not have shipped it. Sorry to have put a monkey wrench into those plans.

I hope that I did not give you any reason to think that I thought you were using all my yarn and had to use scraps. I feel bad about that.

I'm sorry that you even had to feel that you needed to do a scrap project. At least the project is finished now and someone is enjoying it. I myself think it is a work of art and beautiful and unique. I'm so glad Chris likes it.

Sandie said...

I know how it is to have a project you lose interest in, for whatever reason, but feel like you need to finish it regardless. I also do not frog easily. We are often too hard on ourselves, I think. As you say, the recipient loves it and that is the important thing. I think it is a very unique, original work of art and you did an excellent job of putting it all together. Thanks for sharing the story.

Susan said...

Ghost, on the potato casserole I forgot to mention "may need salt"
I am on a low salt diet and forgot to mention some people might want a pinch of salt !